
Pronunciation: oath-awe-law
Literal Meaning: Birthright, Ancestrial Land, an Estate.
Other Names: Éþel or Éthel
Phonetic Value: O
Rune Poems
Anglo Saxon Éþel byþ oferleof æghwylcum men, gif he mot ðær rihtes and gerysena on brucan on bolde bleadum oftast.
Éþel is very dear to every man, it is right and proper that he has opportunity to enjoy makeing his home there, prosperity shall remain.
Norwegian Not listed.
Icelandic Not listed.

Othila is the rune of birthright and ancestral land.

The family estate and ancestral land was not simply some dirt, rocks and trees. It was much more than something that could be measured in leagues, it was a direct link to one’s ancestors who worked that land and spilled blood to protect it. For this reason, othila represents not only the land itself but the wisdom, lineage, and culture of the people who live and work on it.


Rune Lore
